Monday, April 27, 2009

First Celebrity Sighting

So on our first Saturday of being here we had our first Celebrity sighting.  Now don't get too excited because I doubt any of you know who he is.  We saw Craig Horner while eating lunch at the Hollywood & Highland Center (the outdoor mall next to the Mann's Chinese Theatre).  He's in a show that started airing this year called Legend of the Seeker (yes it's a fantasy TV show).  The show is adapted from the books written by Terry Goodkind.  Craig Horner plays the lead role.  It's funny because we've had a picture from the TV show as our background on our computer for some time now.  Of course we didn't go over and talk to him, it was all a little overwhelming.  I did attempt to take some pictures of him while he got up to walk away. 

Yep, that really dark figure standing up in the background is him.  I think I should win a photography award.

And another great shot, his back leaving the area.

And so here's a much clearer picture of him.  This is a picture from his TV show.  We're hoping the whole cast will be at Comic Con this year so we can see him again.  And hopefully get a better picture of him.


Anonymous said...

Heather the paperrazi! Stay after them. Mary sends

Norma said...

This is only the beginning for you. I saw so many in the 8 years of living there that I don't remember seeing them until they are on TV and I think oh yeah I saw that person.

Have fun and maybe you should approach them sometimes theylike being recognized. love you guys Norm

PS Did you ever go by the house I lived in?

Anonymous said...

Do you know if he was with anyone? If so, can you give a description. He was going to the Earth Premiere for Disney Nature.

pennygirl said...

Someone on the imdb website who apparently saw Craig at the same time you did said that he was "sucking face" with a blond chick. Was this true?