Saturday, October 11, 2008

Jeannie Visits

Jeannie came to visit and we had a really good time. We took her down to the Cove, only to find out they got rid of all the seals. They turned the little beachy area that they all hung out on back into a swimming area for people. There was one large rock that a couple of seals were playing around, but it was really sad to see them gone. Seeing the seals was one of my highlights of San Diego.

We went down into the Cave at the Cove. Let's just say there were like a million steps.

We went walking down at the harbor and saw the air craft carrier, some cruise ships, and some old ships as well.

We just barely made it to Sunset Cliffs before the sun went down.

We went to the zoo. The meerkats were way cute.

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